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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Book Review: Shake Up by Joyce Palmer

Shake Up

Author: Joyce Palmer
Series: Edison Bay Romance Book 1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance
Links: Amazon
Motivations and tenacity collide in this passion-filled Edison Bay Romance by Joyce Palmer.
Shake Up is a contemporary love story packed with a myriad of emotion, plenty of sensual detail and an abundance of humor.
Lacey Parker’s new position with the DEA earned her career independence. Will vocational freedom be worth the sacrifice of her former boss, the only man she ever loved?
Sheriff Jonathan Parker is less than thrilled with his wife’s new job and the boundaries she’s imposed upon him. He witnesses the danger she faces while trying to take down a brutal drug-dealing killer. He must resist the urge to protect his woman. A concept he finds almost unbearable.
While sexual compatibility alone is not the basis for a healthy relationship, the insatiable lovers struggle through their perspective emotional preconceptions to function as equal partners while an unstable admirer attempts to sabotage their delicate family foundation.


Love Amidst Trials and Challenges
Just from the blurb, I was expecting a heavy, drama-filled romance novel. What I didn't expect was how much I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
An especially good read for couples, the story narrates the trials and challenges our two main leads would face, and their subsequent decision to try and make their marriage work. I especially felt the main conflict that brought about John and Lacey's disagreements were very realistic and practical in today's world. You'd be drawn to keep reading and determine where their relationship would lead.
In every relationship, there would be highs and lows. It doesn't indicate the absence of chemistry that bonded them together in the beginner. But it is this chemistry that would uphold their relationship to stand above the troughs and challenges. In this regard, I really loved every aspect of John and Lacey's chemistry together. In terms of how it is written, I enjoyed how the author didn't let any conflict drag. The story progressed at the right pace, which was also a plus for me.
Finally, I also like how the personality of each characters were properly thought out. Relationships are never perfect at the outset. But it's how the two make the necessary compromise, finding the right balance to complement each other that makes the relationship perfect. I love how John - as dominant as he is - was willing to compromise some of his beliefs to ensure he complements Lacey's dreams and ambitions. A wonderful insight as to how a real marriage operates.
For romance lovers who are looking for a heartwarming, romantic story, I would highly recommend this.
Rating: 5 Stars


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